Size Labels

Size labels are labels used to display the size, length, color or model numbers of the product.

While the consumer is given the right measurements with the types of size labels, the comfort fare is also specified, and what it will look like. Different codes can be displayed on the designs. Derived from S, M, L and from these dimensions the letter X. In this process, which is organized according to the international size chart. It is also possible to give the customer sizes. They run with numbers like 32, 34, 36.
By determining the consumer audience that the product appeals to. Can you also present globally valid information and make details. It is possible to take advantage of the detailed series values. Those used for the market and by ready-to-wear companies in the clothing size label. In addition, small translation tables such as TR, EU and UK can provide information about the equivalent of each agency in the region in question.

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Order clothing labels with name and logo. Having labels made has never been so cheap. We provide high quality product at an affordable price.